Presence Based Church



We’re developing resources to help others experiment and explore the Presence Based Church journey. Scroll down to find the download links.



Click the links to download a digital file.

5A’s of Self Awareness - A journalling exercise based around The 5 A’s of Self Awareness personal growth process.

Little Prayer Book - Prayer is the foundation of our collective life together. The Little Prayer Book is a collection of liturgies and introductions to contemplative practices from the South West Baptist Church local communities.

Prayer in the Neighbourhood - A neighbourhood prayer rhythm lays the foundation for partnering with God and following Jesus together.

A Guide to Personal Discernment - Learning to hear the quiet voice if God is a constantly deepening journey. Thankfully we can draw on wisdom from the past. This handout can be used by anyone doing discernment for the first time.

The Four Relationships - An introduction to the four-relationships theological framework.

Discovery Bible - A simple process for anyone to discover Jesus in the Bible together.


Sabbath Sermon Series - For those of us caught up in Western society, Jesus’ rhythms of rest are perhaps the most counter-cultural and disruptive practice for ourselves, our communities and our society. Here’s a sermon series from South West Baptist Church on Sabbath, with accompanying daily readings available here.

Ian Cron, Suzanne Stabile and The Road Back To You - There are heaps of Enneagram books and podcasts out there, and The Road Back To You by Ian and Suzanne has been an excellent starting point for most people.